Product Explorer

Product Explorer by Sellify revolutionizes the way Walmart sellers conduct online arbitrage. This feature allows users to instantly search thousands of retailers against Walmart's catalog using a convenient side panel. In this guide, we will walk you through all the capabilities of the Product Explorer.

Key Features

  • Product Matching
    • Walmart Product Querying
    • Image Enlargement
  • Toolbar
    • Direct Walmart Catalog Search
    • Search Amazon Catalog
    • Search Google
    • Search eBay
  • Competitor Analysis
    • Buy Box Seller Type
    • Offer Count
  • Quick Tools

Product Matching

Product Matching is a core feature of Sellify's Product Explorer, allowing you to seamlessly compare products across multiple retailers with Walmart's catalog. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this powerful tool.

Walmart Product Querying

Navigate to a Retailer's Page:

Begin by visiting any retailer's website of your choosing. This could be Lego, Target, Kohls, or any other online store of your choosing. The product explorer is not available on Walmart product pages.

Select a Product

Find the product you are interested in potentially flipping. Ensure you are on the product's details page to get the most accurate matching results.

Activate the Extension:

Once on the product page, click on the Sellify extension icon located in your browser's toolbar. This action will initiate a query of the page you are currently viewing.

View Search Results:

The Product Explorer will automatically pull up a side panel displaying the search results of Walmart listings that match the product you are currently viewing. Here, you will see a comparison of the product across Walmart's catalog.

Analyze and Access:

Use the provided data to analyze the potential profitability. You can see the current price on Walmart, the number of sellers offering the product, and competition levels, helping you make informed decisions on whether to purchase the item for reselling.

Walmart Product Querying

To quickly verify if it's the same product, simply click on the image to enlarge it.

Navigating to the Walmart Product Offering Page

When a user clicks on the title of a listing, they are instantly taken to the Walmart product offering page. This feature allows you to conduct more thorough analysis by providing access to detailed product information and analysis. By visiting the product offering page, you can gain deeper insights into the item's performance and competitive landscape, helping you make more informed selling decisions.


The Product Explorer toolbar includes several icons that allow you to quickly access different search and settings functionalities. Below is a description of each icon from left to right:

Direct Walmart Catalog Search

With our direct Walmart catalog search feature, users can seamlessly source products directly from Walmart's extensive inventory right within their browser. This allows for more detailed and refined searches, ensuring you find exactly what you need quickly and efficiently. Simply input your search query, and our tool will provide comprehensive results from Walmart's catalog, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

Easily search any term within seconds.

Amazon Search

  • The first icon on the left allows you to search for the product on Amazon. Clicking this icon will query Amazon's catalog and displays in a new tab.

eBay Search:

  • The second icon performs a search on eBay. This is particularly useful for comparing prices on auction sites and additional market research.

Google Search:

  • The third icon initiates a Google search for the product. This broad search helps you find the product across various online retailers and provides a wide range of pricing and availability options.


  • The fourth icon opens the settings page, allowing you the chance to sign out and check your subscription status.

By utilizing these toolbar icons, you can efficiently conduct comprehensive product searches and manage your settings with ease.

Competitor Analysis

The Competitor Analysis feature in Sellify offers a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape for any given product on Walmart. This tool is designed to provide insights into which sellers are currently holding the buy box and the fulfillment methods they are using. By understanding these dynamics, you can make more informed decisions about your own selling strategies.

Buy Box Seller Fulfillment Type

Fulfillment Types and Acronyms:

  1. BB (Buy Box):
    • The specific offer that is currently being offered to Walmart customers.
  1. OOS (Out of Stock):
    • The OOS (Out of Stock) label indicates that an item is currently unavailable, which can be beneficial as it may mean there is no competition for the buy box. However, be cautious if an item remains out of stock for an extended period. Prolonged unavailability can negatively impact Walmart's internal algorithm for promoting the product, potentially affecting future sales velocity.
    • The seller listed under the OOS label is the last seller's name that was offering the item for sale, the fulfillment type they used, and their last listed price. This data helps you make better-informed decisions as a seller by giving you insight into previous competition and pricing strategies.
  1. WMT (Walmart):
    • This label indicates that the product is directly sold and fulfilled by Walmart. Seeing Walmart on a listing is generally not favorable for third-party sellers because Walmart is often very competitively priced. Additionally, Walmart's internal algorithm tends to favor their own sales over third-party sales, making it significantly more challenging to compete.
  2. WFS (Walmart Fulfillment Services):
    • When you see the WFS label, it means that a third-party seller is selling the item, but Walmart is assisting with the fulfillment. This often indicates a higher level of service and faster shipping times, which can boost sales and customer satisfaction. Additionally, the presence of WFS can be a sign that the item is selling more frequently. If you can compete profitably on price, this could indicate a potential arbitrage opportunity, making it worthwhile to consider selling this item.
  3. MFN (Merchant Fulfillment):
    • Products labeled as MFN are sold and fulfilled by third-party sellers who handle the shipping themselves. While this method offers sellers more control, it can also mean varying levels of service quality and shipping times. Typically, Walmart's algorithm will favor WFS over MFN unless the MFN option is significantly cheaper. Understanding this preference can help you analyze the competitive landscape more transparently, aiding in your strategic decision-making process.

Offer Count

The Offer Count Box displayed as "Offers" is the number of sellers currently offering the product on a specific listing. This feature provides a quick snapshot of the competition level for the item, allowing you to gauge market saturation to make informed decisions and forecasts on future pricing direction and volatility.

Quick Tools

The Quick Tools icons provide convenient functionalities to streamline your selling and purchasing processes on Walmart. Here’s a brief description of each tool:

  1. Copy Title:
    • This icon allows you to quickly copy the title of the listing to your clipboard with just a click of a button. This is useful for saving product information, performing additional searches, or keeping records.
  1. Add to Walmart Marketplace Catalog:
    • This icon enables you to add the product to your seller catalog instantly. This simplifies the process, allowing you to quickly include items in your catalog for review or potential sale without navigating away from the current page.

These Quick Tools are designed to enhance your efficiency and productivity when managing listings to help streamline your work flow.

Drag and Resize Tool

Our drag-to-resize feature allows users to easily adjust the size of the screen according to their preferences. With this intuitive tool, you can simply click and drag the sidebar to easily resize the sidebar to match your desired dimensions. As you make adjustments, the rest of the window will automatically resize to provide the best possible view, ensuring a responsive and positive user experience. This feature enhances your ability to customize the interface to suit your specific needs, making navigation and interaction more efficient and enjoyable.

For additional assistance, visit our Resource Center or contact our support team.

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