Walmart Extension

Comprehensive guide to using Sellify on Walmart product pages. Sellify stands out as the most powerful tool for Walmart sellers, and in this guide, we will walk you through all its features.


Our goal is to provide you with a clear and comprehensive understanding of everything Sellify offers, helping you leverage our Walmart extension to achieve maximum selling potential.

In this guide, we will cover:

  1. Profitability Analysis
    • Profit
    • ROI
    • Margin
    • Break Even
  2. Competitor Analysis
    • Quantity & Profitability Analysis
    • Seller Strength Analysis
    • Storefront Stalk
  3. Product Search Tool
    • How to Handle Gaps in Walmart's Data
  4. Detailed Fee Tracking
    • WFS - Walmart Fulfillment Fees
    • Referral Fees
    • Storage Fees
    • Additional Fees
  5. Google Sheets Export
  6. Alerts
  7. Toolbar and Other Features
    • Toolbar
    • Item ID, UPC, Add to Catalog
    • Ratings
  8. Product Details
  9. Multiple Unit Analysis
  10. Log In Process

Profitability Metrics

Enter your cost to instantly calculate your profit, margin, and ROI with precision. Adjust your sale price to ensure accurate profit forecasting tailored to your business.


  1. User Input: Enter the cost of your product.
  2. Definition: Cost represents your COGS (Cost of Goods Sold).
  3. How to Find: Check with your supplier/retailer for the total buy cost on an individual unit basis.
  4. In-Box Calculations: You can perform calculations directly in the box (e.g., enter 5 * 0.80 and press "Tab" or "Enter" to update the cost, you can use +, -, /, and *,).
  5. Overhead & Sales Tax: Optionally, add your per unit Overhead (OH) costs (prep, labor, supplies) and Sales Tax % (ST) directly into the Cost field.
  6. Recommendation: Use dedicated OH and ST fields to avoid confusion and double accounting for costs.

Sale Price

  1. Initial Load: Sale price loads with the current Buybox price (the Buybox is the featured price shown in the Buy Now box on Walmart's site).
  2. No Featured Offer: When the Buybox is suppressed, Sellify automatically loads the lowest priced offer as the sale price.
  3. User Input: Users can input and edit the sale price at any time to reflect their projected sale price.
  4. In-Box Calculations: Math operations are allowed directly in the box (use +, -, /, and *, then press "Tab" or "Enter").

Total Fees

  1. Comprehensive Sum: Includes all WFS (Walmart Fulfillment Service) Fees, Referral Fees, Storage Fees, and any Additional Fees.
  2. Required Measurements: Length, Width, Height, and Weight must be entered to calculate the WFS Fee accurately.


  1. Simple Formula: At its simplest form, Profit = Sale Price – Cost – Total Fees.
  2. Definition: Profit is what you are left with after the sale of one unit, based on your Cost and Fees.
  3. WFS Sellers: For WFS sellers, profit calculations require dimensions and weight to be filled in.

Profit Margin

  1. Simple Formula: Profit Margin = (Profit / Sale Price) x 100
  2. Definition: Profit Margin represents the percentage of profit you make from the sale price.
  3. WFS Sellers: For WFS sellers, profit margin calculations require dimensions, weight, and sale price to be filled in.
  4. MFN Sellers: For MFN sellers, profit margin calculations a sale price to be filled in.


  1. Simple Formula: ROI = (Profit / Cost) x 100
  2. Definition: ROI measures the efficiency of your investment in a product, indicating the percentage return on the cost.
  3. WFS Sellers: For WFS sellers, ROI calculations require cost, dimensions, and weight to be filled in.
  4. MFN Sellers: For MFN sellers, ROI calculations require cost to be filled in.
  5. Recommendation: Aim for items with a minimum of 25% ROI to account for future returns and potential price volatility.


  1. Simple Formula: Break-Even Point = Sale Price - (Cost + Total Fees) = $0 (with a +/- $0.10 margin).
  2. Definition: The break-even point is when your profit equals zero, allowing for a small buffer of +/- $0.10.
  3. All Sellers: For all sellers, break-even calculations require all dimensions and weight to be filled in.

MIN - Lowest Offer

  1. Definition: This value represents the lowest offer on the product page.
  2. Explanation: It reflects the lowest priced seller's price currently listed.

Competitor Analysis

Utilizing the scroll bar or your mouse/keyboard, scroll down to the "Offer Count" section. In the top bar you will be greeted with an overview of the competitive landscape at a glance. Let's jump into the key terms and values displayed here:

  1. OC = Offer Count
    • Represents the total number of sellers on the listing.
  2. MFN = Merchant Fulfilled Offers
    • Represents the total number of sellers on the listing fulfilling orders themselves.
  3. WFS = Walmart Fulfilled Offers
    • Represents the total number of sellers on the listing using WFS to fulfill their orders.
  4. WMT = Walmart
    • Indicates if Walmart is selling the product themselves as a first-party seller.
    • If WMT = 1, Walmart is on the listing.
    • If WMT = 0, Walmart is not on the listing.
  5. MIN = The lowest priced offer
  6. MAX = The highest priced offer
  7. BB = The current offer that is on the Buybox

After reviewing the top bar overview, it is time to dive deeper into the competitor landscape. As you continue to scroll, you can review and analyze the competitors on the listing:

1. Sellers are ranked in order from the lowest offer price to the highest offer price.

2. Seller name and type of seller (MFN,WFS or WMT) is shown.

  • The seller name is clickable to easily view their storefront and analyze their product offerings.

3. Each seller's quantity of stock is shown.

  • Knowing the stock levels of competitors is crucial for optimizing your pricing and selling strategies.
  • Monitoring stock levels can also give you insights into demand trends and inventory management practices of your competitors.

4. Check out the exact Profit, ROI, and Margin based on your costs at each seller's price point.

5. Easily identify the Buybox offer with the Buybox Badge.

  • Look for the Buybox Badge located under the seller number.
  • The seller type will be indicated in blue.
  • The entire row will be bolded, making it easy to spot the Buybox offer at a glance.

6. Identity if the seller is a "Pro Seller" by locating the the verified badge next to their seller type.

  • Pro Sellers have a higher chance of winning the Buybox due to their consistent performance and reliability.
  • Knowing the varying strengths of the sellers on the listing can help you in multiple ways, enabling you to strategically make decisions.
  • Pro Sellers often experience higher sales velocity, providing insights into market demand and helping you predict sales trends.
  • Tracking Pro Sellers' inventory levels and pricing strategies allows you to make informed decisions about your stock and pricing.
  • Customers prefer buying from Pro Sellers, leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Storefront Stalk with Ease

Easily explore your competitors' products and brands with just a click. By clicking on a seller name in the offer count section, you can dive into their storefront, browse their top-selling brands, and discover potential leads. Expand the brands section of their store and uncover valuable insights to boost your own strategy.

After clicking you are taken directly to the seller's catalog

Product Search Tool

Walmart sometimes provides users with incomplete data, such as missing dimension/weight information, assembled product dimensions instead of package dimensions, or incorrect unit dimensions for multi-packs or bundles. Sellify's Product Search tool addresses these gaps in real-time, offering a solution to ensure your fee and profit calculations are accurate. Utilize the product search tool to find an exact or comparable match for your listings.

Step 1: Identify Missing or Incorrect Information

Identify a product with missing or incorrect dimensions/weight information. Instead of measuring or guessing, use the Product Search tool!

Step 2: Click the Product Search Tool Button

Click the Product Search tool button to initiate the search for the correct product dimensions.

Step 3: Find an Exact Match

Scroll through the products in the Product Search panel and select the exact match (or a comparable product) to fill in the missing dimensions or weight. You can click on the title or image to confirm the product details on the Amazon store page. If you forget which item you selected after closing the Product Search panel, simply click the Cloud icon in alerts to be directed to the Amazon product page or reopen the Product Search panel where your selected product will be outlined in blue. To reset your dimensions and weight, simply click the reset button (to the right of the Product Search button).

Detailed Fee Tracking

Get a complete overview of the fees Walmart charges. We track everything from storage fees to fulfillment charges, so you always know where your money is going.

Quickly break down all fee structures to see exactly where your money is going. Enable common sizing to understand the percentage of sale price each fee bucket takes.

Click the dropdown button to begin your fee analysis. Enable the Common Sizing slider to have fees as a percentage of sale price.

WFS Fee - Walmart Fulfillment Service Fee

A fulfillment fee is a charge for the services provided by Walmart to store, pack, and ship your products.

  1. WFS Fee is applied to sellers who are having their orders fulfilled by Walmart’s services (WFS).
  2. If you toggle on MFN (meaning you are fulfilling your own orders), your WFS Fee will always be $0.00.
  3. Depending on the size and/or weight of your product, you may be charged additional fees to have your products fulfilled with WFS. Let's walk through the additional charges together:
    1. If your item falls under one of the below stated criteria, an additional $3 will be charged and reflected in Sellify's Fee Breakdown under "Oversize Fee". This charge only applies for "standard items." If your item qualifies for "Big & Bulky," then these charges would not apply.
      • Longest side greater than 48″ and up to 96”
      • Median side greater than 30″
      • Longest side + girth greater than 105″ and up to 130”
    2. If your item falls under one of the below stated criteria, an additional $20 will be charged and reflected in Selify's Fee Breakdown under "Oversize Fee". This charge only applies for "standard items." If your item qualifies for "Big & Bulky," then these charges would not apply.
      • Longest side greater than 96″ and up to 108”
      • Longest side + girth greater than 130″ and up to 165”
    3. If your item falls under one of the below stated criteria, it would be considered "Big & Bulky" and your item would have no Oversize or Standard WFS charges, rather you would be charged at the Big & Bulky rate, as shown in Sellify's breakdown for WFS Fees.
      • Unit weight is greater than 150 lb. and up to 500 lb.
      • Longest package side is greater than 108 inches and up to 120 inches
      • Longest package side + girth* is greater than 165 inches
  4. Additional WFS Charges (these can be found under the Additional Fees breakdown in the Fee Box)
    • $0.50 Apparel Surcharge - If your item is an article of clothing
    • $0.50 Hazardous Surcharge - If your item contains a chemical, aerosol, pesticide, or battery
    • $1.00 Sale Price < $10 Surcharge - If your item has a selling price of under $10.00
      • These three surcharges only apply for Standard Items. If your product is Big & Bulky, these surcharges would not apply.
      • These surcharges are only reflected when you are calculating your fees and profit with WFS. If you turn on MFN, these charges would not apply as WFS would not charge you for this.
Click the dropdown button to see your WFS Fees broken out

We have you covered from any and all WFS fees! For additional information on Walmart Fulfillment Services pricing, you can refer to the Walmart Fulfillment Services Pricing page.

Referral Fee

A referral fee is a percentage of the sale price that Walmart charges for each item sold on their platform. This fee applies whether you use WFS or fulfill the order yourself, and it remains consistent across both fulfillment methods.

The referral fee is determined by two factors:

  1. Category of Product: Different product categories have varying referral fee rates.
  2. Sale Price: In some categories, the sale price can influence the referral fee percentage, leading to potential increase or decrease of fee % based on the sale price.
Click the dropdown button to see your item's Category and Subcategory

For a detailed breakdown of referral fees, please refer to the Walmart Marketplace Referral Fees page.

Storage Fee

A storage fee is what Walmart charges to keep your products at their fulfillment centers. This charge applies only to items sold via WFS, not MFN.

Walmart has fixed storage costs for Non-Peak and Peak Seasons:

  • Non-Peak Season: January to September
  • Peak Season: October to December

The fee is fixed for the first month of storage at $0.75 per cubic foot, regardless of the month (peak or non-peak). Please note that Walmart considers a month of storage = 30 days.

Unit cubic feet is calculated by dividing the unit volume in inches (length x width x height) by 1,728. Rest assured, Sellify automatically handles all calculations for you.

Any months after the first month will be charged separately based on the season:

  • Non-Peak Season: $0.75 per cubic foot per month
  • Peak Season: $2.25 per cubic foot per month
Click the dropdown button to see your item's Storage Fees broken out into Non Peak-Season and Peak-Season Storage Fees

It's important to maintain a balance in your inventory levels to avoid stocking out while minimizing additional fees. Make sure you have enough stock to meet demand but not so much that you're paying unnecessary storage fees.

Long-term storage fees can be as high as $7.50 per cubic foot per month for any unit stored for longer than 12 months.

Now, let's talk about how Sellify accurately tracks your Storage Fees.

  1. Default Storage Months: The default setting is 1 month.
  2. Adjusting Storage Months: To predict storage costs, you can adjust the months of storage using the slider, inputting a number, or using the up and down arrows.
  3. Fee Estimation Algorithm:
    • If today’s date is on or after the 15th of the month, we start the calculation with the next month’s fee rate.
    • If today’s date is before the 15th of the month, we start the calculation with the current month’s fee rate.
Easily adjust your storage months by dragging the slider, inputting a number, or using the up/down arrows. All calculations re-calculate in real-time after adjusting your desired storage duration.

Storage fees can be tricky, but Sellify has it covered. To learn more, check the Walmart Storage Guidelines and scroll down to the bottom for additional storage fee information.

Additional Fees

At Sellify, we track and report 9 additional fees.

Inbound Shipping Fee - is the estimated per pound rate it costs to ship your products from your house, warehouse, or 3PL to Walmart's Fulfillment Center. This fee applies only when using WFS to fulfill your products and is not calculated for MFN sales. This value is saved to ensure you do not need to continuously enter this information, making it easy to update as needed.

For inbound shipments via SPD (partnered carrier), our experience shows a per pound rate of $0.23 - $0.40.

For inbound shipments via LTL (partnered carrier), our experience shows a per pound rate of $0.08 - $0.18.

We highly recommend entering an estimated cost here to ensure accurate profit projections. You can disable the Inbound Shipping ("IS") costs by using the slider or inputting 0.00 as your IS cost. Turning on MFN will also disable IS costs.

MFN Fee - represents the estimated cost to fulfill an order without using WFS. This fee is relevant for sellers who handle their own fulfillment. To enter an MFN shipping cost, activate the slider and input your estimated shipping cost.

Please note, when MFN is enabled, additional WFS Fees such as Hazardous Surcharge, WFS Polybag, Standard Label, and Inbound Shipping are all disabled and cannot be added. Even if there is a cost input saved in Inbound Shipping, no charges will apply when MFN is active..

Apparel Surcharge - $0.50 charge if your item is an article of clothing. Sellify automatically recognizes this fee, so no input is required on your end. Fees are only charged to WFS products that are standard size.

Sale Price <$10 Surcharge - $1.00 charge if the sale price of your item is under $10.00. Sellify automatically recognizes this fee, so no input is required on your end. Fees are only charged to WFS products that are standard size.

Hazardous Surcharge - $0.50 charge if your item contains a chemical, aerosol, pesticide, or battery. If your item contains one of these 4 check the Hazardous Materials checkbox for accurate profit and fee calculations. Products deemed as Hazardous from our Product Search tool will automatically check the Hazardous Materials checkbox. Fees are only charged to WFS products that are standard size.

WFS Polybag Surcharge - $0.60 charge if you are planning on having Walmart polybag your items for you. Check the WFS Polybag checkbox to account for the prep fee. Fee can only be checked when using WFS.

Standard Label Surcharge - $0.45 charge if you are planning on having Walmart label your items for you. Check the Standard Label checkbox to account for the prep fee. Fee can only be checked when using WFS.

Overhead (OH) - User inputted field. Input your estimated overhead cost into the OH field by enabling the slider and adding your input. Overhead can include supplies, prep costs, labor costs, etc on a per unit basis. This value saves from product to product, so you don’t need to re-enter it each time. Disabling OH will remove the value from the calculation of your Total Fees and Profit, but the value will be retained for future use, so you do not need to re-enter it when you enable it again.

Sales Tax (ST) - User inputted field. Input your sales tax rate and have the sales tax automatically apply to the fees section. No more needing to do the math calculation each time you enter your cost! This value saves from product to product, so you don’t need to re-enter it each time. Disabling ST will remove the tax from the calculation of your Total Fees and Profit, but the value will be retained for future use, so you do not need to re-enter it when you enable it again.

Understanding and accounting for these additional fees ensures you have a clear picture of your overall costs and profitability. Sellify makes tracking these fees seamless, so you can focus on optimizing your business strategies.

Google Sheets Export

Sellify seamlessly integrates with your Google Sheets to simplify the process of managing new products through lead sheets.

Step 1: Navigate to and click on the Settings icon located to the right of the Export button.

Step 2: After the Export Settings popup opens, click on "Sign in With Google" where you will be navigated to a Google Sign in popup window.

Settings Popup

Step 3: Sign in to the Google Account you want to link with your Google Sheets. Once signed in, click "Continue" to give Sellify access to your Google Sheets.

Step 4: Create linked sheets by entering a sheet title and clicking "Create" either in the Settings popup or directly in the Export popup.

Sheets can be created directly in the Export popup, or via the Export Settings Popup

Step 5: Click "Export" whenever you want to save product and profitability details. Then, choose the specific sheets' export button to export to your desired sheet(s). You can also add comments or source URLs before exporting for easy lead management.

Export Popup

Additional Notes:

  1. Click the red "X" to remove a connection to a spreadsheet. Be sure you want to delete the connection, as this action cannot be undone.
  2. In Settings, you can edit the title of the spreadsheet by clicking the pencil icon. Change the name and then click "Save."
  3. To connect a new Google account, click "Sign in with Google." You can sign in and connect a different Google account. Please note, you can only be connected to one account at a time. Sheets are saved, so if you switch back to a previously linked account, the connection will be restored and all prior connected sheets will display.
  4. Multiple Sellify accounts can connect to the same Google Account, allowing your entire team to add leads to the same sheet(s) seamlessly.


Sellify showcases 8 different alerts, lets dive into them together:

Alert #1: is on the Listing

  • Description: This alert will show up when is selling on a listing as a first-party seller (Sold and Shipped by
  • Guidance: You may want to avoid these listings due to the difficulty of competing with Walmart as a seller. However, it is worth checking if you can compete with their price, as you can still win the Buybox from them and sell successfully, even with Walmart on the listing.
  • Clickable Alert: The alert icon is clickable. When you click the icon, it auto-scrolls to the offer count section where you can see the competition, including other sellers, quantities, and prices.
Alert #2: Amazon Pulled Dimensions
  • Description: Our AI algorithms double-check each product to ensure you have the most accurate data for your profitability analysis.
  • Guidance: When there are gaps in the data or better data becomes available, we update it with more accurate information and notify you with a cloud alert.
  • Clickable Alert: Clicking the alert icon will take you directly to the product listing page, allowing you to see and confirm the new data we’ve used.
  • Hover Information: Hovering over the alert icon will show you exactly what data has been updated with the external product information.
  • Product Search Reminder: When you select a product from the Product Search tool, the cloud icon will appear to remind you which product details you are using.
Alert #3: Missing Dimensions and/or Weight
  • Description: This alert shows when there is a missing field for either Length, Width, Height, or Weight.
  • Guidance: To ensure your profit calculations run correctly, please enter values for the missing fields. You can do this by either clicking our Product Search tool to find and select exact or comparable products, or by estimating/measuring the item yourself to get the accurate dimensions.
  • Clickable Alert: The icon is clickable. Once you click it, your cursor will auto-select the missing field, making it easy to enter the required information.
Alert #4: Variation Listing
  • Description: This alert will show when there is more than one variation on the product page.
  • Guidance: We advise checking additional variations when this alert is shown to potentially multiply the leads found.
  • Hover Information: Hovering over the alert icon will show exactly how many variations are on the listing.
Alert #5: Greater Than 20 Sellers

  • Description: This alert, indicated by a boxing glove icon, will show when there are 20 or more sellers on a listing.
  • Guidance: While there are cases where listings with 20 or more sellers can still be profitable, be sure to carefully check the other sellers on the listing for fulfillment type, pro seller status, and available quantities to ensure you can compete with the higher competition.
  • Clickable Alert: The icon is clickable. When clicked, it will auto-scroll down to the offer count section where you can perform a competitor analysis.
Alert #6: Less than 3 Sellers
  • Description: This alert will show when there are 3 or fewer sellers on a listing.
  • Guidance: This can indicate either low competition or a private label product. Check if the brand name in the product details section of Sellify matches with any other seller names in the offer count section. If so, it may be a private label product or brand selling directly.
  • Clickable Alert: The icon is clickable. When clicked, it will auto-scroll down to the offer count section where you can perform a competitor analysis.
Alert #7: Caution Alert
  • Description: This alert will show when our AI algorithms detect suspicious dimensions and/or weight.
  • Guidance: We advise double-checking the dimensions and weight. Use our Product Search tool to compare exact matches or comparable products to ensure data accuracy, leading to accurate profitability analysis.
Alert #8: User Edited Dimensions/Weight
  • Description: This alert, indicated by a pencil icon, will show when a user has edited a dimension and/or weight field.
  • Guidance: To see which field you have edited, look for the blue border, indicating that you have edited that field.
  • Reset Option: If you would like to revert to the original dimensions and weight, simply click the reset button.

These alerts are here to help you get the most out of Sellify. Keep an eye on them to stay on top of your game and make smarter selling decisions.

Toolbar and Other Features

Let's explore a few additional features Sellify offers, and how you can utilize them to optimize your workflow.

First up, the Toolbar. The Toolbar is located at the top of the extension popup and has 5 features.

Amazon Search:

The first icon on the left allows you to search for the product on Amazon. Clicking this icon will query Amazon's catalog and display in a new tab.

eBay Search:

The second icon performs a search on eBay. This is particularly useful for comparing prices on auction sites and additional market research.

Google Search:

The third icon initiates a Google search for the product. This broad search helps you find the product across various online retailers and provides a wide range of pricing and availability options.


The fourth icon opens the settings page, allowing you the chance to sign out and check your subscription status.

Report a Bug:

The fifth icon allows you to quickly report any issues you are facing within our popup so we can quickly resolve any and all bugs.

ItemID, UPC, Quick Add Feature

ItemID: The Item ID on is a unique identifier assigned to each product listed on their platform, similar to Amazon's ASIN. It helps in tracking, managing, and searching for specific products within Walmart's database. Quickly copy this number by hovering over ItemID and clicking.

UPC: A UPC (Universal Product Code) is a barcode used to identify products universally. It consists of a unique 12-digit number that helps in tracking and managing products across different retailers and platforms.

Quick Add Feature: Instantly add the item you are looking at to your catalog by pressing our "+" button which is located between Offer Count and Alerts. Please note this feature is only available if you have "New Look" activated in your Walmart Seller Central account.

Turn on the New Look in your Seller Central to ensure Quick Add to catalog feature works

Ratings and Reviews

Hover over the stars to see the average star rating of the product. This helps you identify any potential issues you may encounter when selling the product. Click on the number of ratings to open a new tab displaying detailed ratings and reviews for the product.

Product Details

Expand out the Product Details table to get a better understanding of the product.

Manufacturer Part # and Model #: Verify that you are purchasing the correct item by checking these numbers. These are click-to-copy, making it easy to compare with a price sheet or retailer site.

Brand: Displays the brand name. Click the brand to explore more products under that brand on the Walmart catalog.

Manufacturer: Shows the parent company that produces the product. Click their name to run a Google search for more information.

Buybox Stats: Understand how many units the Buybox seller has and whether the Buybox is suppressed.

Variants: Confirm that you are working with the correct product variation by reviewing the number of variants and validating the specific variation.

Multiple Unit Analysis

Enter the number of units you plan to purchase, and Sellify will calculate your total purchase revenue, cost, and profit.

Log in Process

Logging into Sellify is a simple process

Start by first ensuring you have the Sellify Chrome Extension downloaded.

After installing, click on the Chrome Extension icon and pin the Sellify Extension for easy access.

Next, click the Sellify Extension icon

A login window will appear. Enter your login details (username and password), or sign in via Google login.

To sign out, simply click the Settings icon, where a popup window will open allowing you to sign off.

For additional assistance, visit our Resource Center or contact our support team.

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